Trying to get Daventry district residents a better deal on energy bills

Big SwitchBig Switch
Big Switch
Time is running out for Daventry district residents to add their names to a group of more than 9,000 people joining forces in a bid to save money on their energy bills.

Daventry District Council’s Big Switch scheme is a joint effort between the council and its switching partner iChoosr to use collective purchasing power to secure better energy deals for residents.

Everyone who registers for the scheme is entered into a collective, with energy companies then invited to bid for their custom in an auction. The deals offered are often cheaper than those advertised to the general public.

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More than 9,000 people across the country are in the collective ahead of the next auction, and Daventry district residents have until Monday, February 1 to register and join them.

An annual energy bill required to complete the process.

There is no obligation to switch and no fees or charges involved whether people decide to switch or not. People can sign up online at or by phoning the council on 01327 871100.

Typical savings have been about £280 but some people have reported saving as much as £600 on their annual bill as a result of switching through the scheme.

Councillor Jo Gilford, environment portfolio holder at Daventry District Council, said: “Switching providers is the best way to ensure you are getting a good deal on your gas and electricity, but it can be daunting.

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“The Big Switch aims to make it as easy as possible for our residents to get cheaper energy deals, and because the scheme is part of a larger collective, the energy companies will often offer market-beating tariffs to secure their custom.

“It’s easy to register online but you don’t have to – just phone the Council offices on 01327 871100 and we can take you through the process.

“And remember, if you switched through the first auction we held last December, your current tariff will be coming to an end in February - so now is the time to register again and see if you can save again.”

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