Make a splash with fun new sport at Daventry Country Park

Having fun on the water.Having fun on the water.
Having fun on the water.
There's a new sport to try out at Daventry Country Park this summer for those with a sense of adventure.

Sessions in stand-up paddle boarding are being offered on Saturdays between now and the end of September thanks to Maizu SUP.

Lessons costs £20 per person for one hour 15 minutes, including hire of all equipment together with expert tuition from Maizu SUP’s fully-qualified instructors.

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Experienced stand-up paddler boarders with their own equipment are also welcome to join in.

In coastal areas, stand-up paddle boarding has established itself both as a recreational activity and a highly competitive, international water sport. Its popularity on inland waters is now growing, with new clubs and communities springing up on lakes, canals and rivers every year.

Maizu SUP instructor Katie Drewett said: “Stand-up paddle boarding is easy to learn and quick to master, but above all – it’s a lot of fun. We’re really pleased to be able to offer stand-up paddle boarding at Daventry Country Park this year. Join us this summer and try the UK’s fastest growing water sport for yourself.”

Councillor Alan Hills, portfolio holder for community, culture and leisure on Daventry District Council, said: “This is something a bit different and it’s a great opportunity for people to enjoy the water safely under some expert guidance.”

Participants must be aged 12 or over and competent swimmers. A responsible adult must accompany attendees between the ages of 12 and 17. Visit

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